For the last couple of years, most of the discussion has been about new social and ethical issues that these networks raise -- whether that‘s governing content to balance free expression and safety, the principles for protecting privacy in a world where people share so much information, how to improve health and well-being when we’re always connected, and ensuring the integrity of our elections and democratic process。 These are all critical issues, and we have a responsibility to manage these networks more proactively to prevent harm。
4小时图显示,金价目前已经升破了61.8%回撤位的压制,上方初步阻力位于1212美元附近,该位置为200周期均线,此外,KD指标有自超买水平回落的迹象,这暗示金价在进一步走高之前或先回调。不过,MACD显示,上行动能依旧强劲,且图上行目前没有 收 口 的 迹象,这暗示短线整体依旧看涨,投资者需关注1200美元附近的支撑,如果跌破这一水平不排除有进一步下跌的可能。今日上方阻力1208;1212,下方支撑1200;1195;操作上建议逢高做空,低多为辅;
We‘ve made real progress on these issues and built some of the most advanced systems in the world to address them, but there’s a lot more to do。 We‘re now taking steps that wouldn’t have been possible even just a few years ago -- for example, this year we plan to spend more on safety and security than our whole revenue at the time of our IPO, and the artificial intelligence required to help manage content at scale didn‘t exist until recently。 But as people use these networks to shape society, it’s critical we continue making progress on these questions。